Early Childhood Symposium

The Louisiana Policy Institute for Children, Children’s Coalition for Northeast Louisiana, Louisiana Tech University, and SciTech hosted the inaugural Early Childhood Symposium.
This virtual event included a comprehensive program of breakout seminars, drawing on research and data to explore local funding strategies, the impact of child care on businesses and communities, and current early care and education research initiatives across the state.
Symposium Overview
The inaugural Early Childhood Symposium was held on November 15, 2024. The symposium featured a comprehensive day-long program of breakout seminars designed to underscore the economic impacts, the significance of child development, and the critical need for increased access to early childhood education. Drawing on data and research, participants explored local funding strategies, the impact of child care on businesses and communities, and current early care and education research and projects across the state. Researchers, policymakers, business leaders, ECE system leaders, and community leaders were invited to participate.
Attendees of the symposium selected workshops from the following tracks:
- Comprehensive Supports for Families: Attendees in this track heard presentations about various support systems’ impact on families
- Funding Mechanisms for Early Childhood Education: Attendees in this track heard presentations about creative local funding streams available for early childhood programs and supports
- Workforce Implications: Attendees in this track heard presentations about workforce challenges and opportunities associated with providing quality early childhood care and education
Workshops & Tracks
Comprehensive Supports for Families
Latinos in Louisiana: Access and quality considerations for an equitable early childhood system
Presenter: Emmy O’Dwyer, Advancing Communities for Equity
Children’s Mental Health: Challenges and Solutions in Louisiana
Presenter: Dr. Matthew Thornton, Center for Children and Families
Together, We Inspire Smart Eating – Families, Schools, and Communities Working Together to positively impact Preschoolers’ Lifelong Health Trajectories
Presenter: Dr. Rutledge
Fortifying Our Villages: Supporting Mothers and Mothering to Increase Household Stability
Presenter: Dr. Lauren Broussard
Funding Mechanisms for Early Childhood Education
Expanding access to quality in rural regions
Presenter: Pheriche Perkins, Pointe Coupée Early Childhood Coalition
Early Care and Education in Louisiana
Presenter: Mattilyn Batson, Louisiana Policy Institute for Children
The Impact of Early Child Care in Louisiana
Presenter: Dr. Jordan Thibodeaux and Eric Mills, Kathleen Babineaux Blanco Public Policy Center at the University of Louisiana Lafayette
Local Funding Toolkit for Strengthening Early Care and Education in Louisiana Communities
Presenter: Dr. Candace Weber, Louisiana Policy Institute for Children
Workforce Implications
Benefits of High-Quality Preschool Education: Building the Foundation for a Better World
Presenter: Dr. Joyce Farrow, Louisiana State University Shreveport
A list of organizations that advocate for Early Childhood Educators and Young Children
Policy Research and Support of ECE in Louisiana
Presenter: Dr. Jordan Thibodeaux and Eric Mills, Kathleen Babineaux Blanco Public Policy Center at the University of Louisiana Lafayette
Create, Explore, Connect: Empowering Early Learners with 21st Century Skills
Presenter: Lisa Flanders-Dick, EdD
Early Childhood Education Through the Lens of Student Parents Today
Presenter: Dr. Suzanne Mayo and Carol Alexander Lewis
Lunchtime Panel: Local Funding Opportunities
Presenters: Kristie Bardel, Anna Williamson, Kristi Gustavson, and Dr. Libbie Sonnier