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Early Childhood Symposium

The Louisiana Policy Institute for Children, Children’s Coalition for Northeast Louisiana, Louisiana Tech University, and SciTech invite you to the inaugural Early Childhood Symposium.

This event will include a comprehensive program of breakout seminars, drawing on research and data to explore local funding strategies, the impact of child care on businesses and communities, and current early care and education research initiatives across the state.

Hotel Block Information

A special hotel block for symposium attendees at Holiday Inn Express & Suites Ruston, conveniently located near the event venue. Please find the details below:

If you book your room by phone, be sure to mention the Early Childhood Symposium to receive the discounted rate. Availability is limited; please reserve your room as soon as possible.

Symposium Overview

The inaugural Early Childhood Symposium will be held on November 15, 2024. The symposium will feature a comprehensive day-long program of breakout seminars designed to underscore the economic impacts, the significance of child development, and the critical need for increased access to early childhood education. Drawing on data and research, participants will explore local funding strategies, the impact of child care on businesses and communities, and current early care and education research and projects across the state. Researchers, policymakers, business leaders, ECE system leaders, and community leaders are invited to participate.

Attendees of the symposium will select workshops from the following tracks: 

  • Comprehensive Supports for Families: Attendees in this track will hear presentations about various support systems’ impact on families
  • Funding Mechanisms for Early Childhood Education: Attendees in this track will hear presentations about creative local funding streams available for early childhood programs and supports
  • Workforce Implications: Attendees in this track will hear presentations about workforce challenges and opportunities associated with providing quality early childhood care and education

Workshops & Tracks

Latinos in Louisiana: Access and quality considerations for an equitable early childhood system

Presenter: Emmy O’Dwyer, Advancing Communities for Equity 

Come hear about recent research and family insights from three communities in Louisiana committed to increasing access to quality early care in Louisiana. Advancing Communities for Equity will share data, listening session and survey insights, and best practices from work with Jefferson, Orleans, and Lafayette parishes. There will be information that will support policy and programs.

Children’s Mental Health: Challenges and Solutions in Louisiana

Presenter: Dr. Matthew Thornton, Center for Children and Families 

This presentation will address the significant mental health issues affecting children in the state, highlighting the prevalence of these concerns and the ongoing shortage of mental health providers. We will examine the impact of trauma on young children and discuss effective, evidence-based strategies for intervention and support. This session aims to enhance awareness and collaboration among stakeholders to improve mental health outcomes for Louisiana’s children.

Expanding access to quality in rural regions

Presenter: Pheriche Perkins, Pointe Coupée Early Childhood Coalition

Rural areas have unique challenges. In this presentation, the Pointe Coupee Early Childhood Coalition will share their strategies to increase access to quality for infants and toddlers in rural Pointe Coupee Parish. Through unique strategies, including school readiness tax credits and philanthropic partners, they have grown their CLASS scores and reached 27% of their at-risk infants and toddlers.

Early Care and Education in Louisiana

Presenter: Mattilyn Batson, Louisiana Policy Institute for Children 

In this comprehensive workshop, we will explore the current landscape of early childhood education in Louisiana. The session will cover what early childhood education entails, provide an overview of the state’s progress and policy history, and discuss the current status of local programs. We will also examine the financial challenges faced by families, highlight efforts to expand access, and analyze the broader impact that early childhood education has on our communities and the economy. 

The Impact of Early Child Care in Louisiana

Presenter: Dr. Jordan Thibodeaux and Eric Mills, Kathleen Babineaux Blanco Public Policy Center at the ​​University of Louisiana Lafayette

The following presentation will focus on the topic of childcare in Louisiana by highlighting the recent Blanco Center Policy Brief, “Child Care and the Economy,” which illustrates the impact of early care and education on Louisiana’s employers. During this session, the panelists will discuss the implications of early care and education on workforce, child development, and family opportunity in Louisiana.

Local Funding Toolkit for Strengthening Early Care and Education in Louisiana Communities

Presenter: Dr. Candace Weber, Louisiana Policy Institute for Children

The session is designed to help localities in Louisiana, including cities and parishes, understand potential funding levers for strengthening their local early care and education systems regardless of how well-established their current early care and education system is. Each toolkit section provides background information and guidance to support communities that want to expand access to quality early care and education programs.

Benefits of High Quality Preschool Education: Building the Foundation for a Better World

Presenter: Dr. Joyce Farrow, Louisiana State University Shreveport 

This workshop examines the benefits and outcomes of a high quality preschool education for the children who attend in the long and short term, their families, their communities and the world.

Policy Research and Support of ECE in Louisiana

Presenter: Dr. Jordan Thibodeaux and Eric Mills, Kathleen Babineaux Blanco Public Policy Center at the University of Louisiana Lafayette

The following presentation will showcase two collaborative projects between the Blanco Center and the Louisiana Department of Education that use policy research to address early care and education challenges. One project evaluates an initiative that aims to reduce turnover in the early care workforce. A second project leverages a data-driven approach to forecast the needs of Louisiana’s Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP). The presentation will highlight the importance of research, data, and evaluation for policy makers.