View our Early Care & Education Workforce findings.

Election Materials​

What Voters Can Do During Elections 

Louisiana voters can: ​​

  1. Request that their local candidates include a plank in their platforms on early care and education
  2. Have your organization sign onto joint statements of support from the Ready Louisiana Coalition (contact to sign on)
  3. Include questions about this issue in candidate questionnaires, debates, forums, and local events
  4. Leverage media and social media to make early care and education a priority in the state elections 
  5. Educate candidates about the need for increased access to quality early care and education for working families.

Election Campaign Resources

The following materials were created to encourage candidates running for office to support early care and education in their campaigns, platforms, and candidate forums.

Help Wanted: The Staffing and Operating Challenges Facing Louisiana Child Care Providers: Full Report
Report highlighting key findings from the statewide surveys of Louisiana child care providers from April 26 to May 19, 2023.

Help Wanted: The Staffing and Operating Challenges Facing Louisiana Child Care Providers: Summary
Two-pager summary of the Help Wanted child care provider report.

Voters Say Child Care Is Critical for Working Families and the Economy
Report highlighting that nearly 80 percent of likely voters across Louisiana think taking action to ensure that more working families have access to affordable, quality child care should be an important priority for our state in 2024.

North Louisiana, Voters Overwhelmingly Support Investments in Early Care and Education
Results from a poll commissioned by the Louisiana Policy Institute for Children in May 2023 of likely voter support on investments for early care and education.

2023 Candidate Informational Webinar
The webinar provided candidates with information on the current condition of early care and education in our state. We want to ensure candidates have the necessary data and research to build their campaign platforms. All qualified candidates running for Governor, State House and Senate, and BESE are invited to join.

2023 Joint Statement for Candidate Support of Early Care and Education
Ready Louisiana’s Joint Statement, signed by over 100 organizations statewide, for increased investment in early care and education in governor, legislator, and the Louisiana Board of Elementary and Secondary Education (BESE) candidates’ platforms