You can find a list of activities for Early Ed Month 2025 here.

Louisiana Early Educator Investment Collaborative Evaluator Proposals: Grantee Project Evaluation

The Louisiana Early Educator Investment Collaborative seeks proposals from evaluators to evaluate its grantee demonstration projects to inform strategies to advance sustainable improvements in early educator compensation across the state.

Scope of Work

The selected consultant will design and implement an evaluation framework for the demonstration projects that includes both quantitative and qualitative methods. The evaluation will focus on both project outcomes and processes, with an eye toward project replicability and long-term impact. The Early Educator Investment Collaborative is interested in understanding the efficacy of individual projects and how promising projects could be replicated in other communities in the state.

Anticipated activities include:

Consultant Requirements and Preferences


The budget for this scope of work is currently set not to exceed $200,000.

Proposals must provide a detailed breakdown of costs, including fees, travel expenses, and any other relevant expenses. Indirect costs may not exceed 15% of the project budget. If applicants seek an exception to this cap on indirect costs, they may include this request in their proposal with a detailed explanation for why the higher indirect cost rate is necessary.

Anticipated Timeline

Proposal Submission

Please submit responses to this Request for Proposals by 5pm Central Time on September 27, 2024, to application[at] Complete responses must include the following components:

Selection Criteria for Proposals

Submitted responses to this Request for Proposal will be reviewed by the Early Educator Investment Collaborative, based on the following criteria: