You can find a list of activities for Early Ed Month 2025 here.

January 2022 Monthly Update

January 2022 Monthly Update

Dear Friends and Partners,
To kick off the new year, we just released the statewide findings for our provider and parent surveys, both of which were conducted in the fall of 2021. On the Path to Recovery: The Evolving Impacts of COVID-19 on Louisiana Child Care Providers focused on the impact COVID-19 had on child care providers and their program or business, including financial losses, temporary closures, and challenges faced. Read the full report hereNow More Than Ever: A Snapshot of How Louisiana Working Families Rely on Child Care focused on the needs and challenges of families with young children in Louisiana, many of whom are struggling as the COVID-19 pandemic endures. Read the full report here

As we approach general session 2022, we are thrilled to see over $93 million in the Governor’s executive budget proposal. This money would go to support our existing LA4 program for at-risk four-year-olds, expand access to families who need child care assistance, and put one-time money in a fund that supports and incentivizes local investment in early care and education. While over half of this money is one-time, we consider this a big down payment on Louisiana’s future and we hope the Legislature accepts the proposal. To watch the press conference making the announcement, click here.

In addition to the report releases and budget proposals, we are excited to share that Early Ed Month is right around the corner! For the past four years, we have celebrated Early Ed Week, but tomorrow we kick off the first annual Louisiana Early Ed Month which is sponsored by Entergy. This year, Early Ed Month will be virtual providing us with a chance to reach even more people than under normal circumstances. We are hosting several events throughout the month of February for everyone: advocates, parents and families, child care providers, elected officials and business leaders, all of which are designed to highlight the state of early care and education in our state. 

Highlights include our keynote speaker, Dr. Junlei Li, co-chair of the Human Development and Education Program and the Saul Zaentz senior lecturer in Early Childhood Education at the Harvard Graduate School of Education; a social media day of action; and a parent advocacy training that will be hosted by Stand for Children Louisiana. Find a full schedule of events here. A special thanks to additional sponsors of Early Ed Month 2022: Jones Walker LLP, Gulf Coast Bank & Trust Company, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Louisiana, Cox Communications, Clara’s Little Lambs, Agenda for Children, The Committee of 100 for Economic Development, Save the Children Action Network, Stand for Children Louisiana, ResourceFull Consulting, Gambel Communications, and Baptist Community Ministries

We hope you can join us tomorrow as we head into Early Ed Month!

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