You can find a list of activities for Early Ed Month 2025 here.

September 2023 Monthly Update

September 2023 Monthly Update

September was a very busy month for LPIC. We released LPIC’s Early Care and Education Statewide polling results which highlight that nearly 80% of likely voters across Louisiana think taking action to ensure that more working families have access to affordable, quality child care should be an important priority for our state in 2024. Click here to read full report.

Also, in partnership with Geaux Far Louisiana, we released polling results on September 20th that addressed likely voters’ support for implementing paid family and medical leave, expanding resources for new parents, increasing the minimum wage, and increasing state investments in early care and education. Click here to read the full report summary.

Our annual provider survey results were released on September 26th, Help Wanted: The Staffing and Operating Challenges Facing Louisiana Child Care Providers. We surveyed Louisiana child care businesses to better understand the challenges they face while supporting parents as they go to work, go to school, or look for new work. Click here to read the full report.

Finally, our founder Melanie Bronfin is being honored next month as an Angel Award recipient from the Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Louisiana Foundation. This award recognizes outstanding Louisianians who have demonstrated exceptional dedication and service to our state’s children. Watch the WWL-TV interview. 

Thank you for remaining steadfast in your advocacy on behalf of young children and families in Louisiana. As we all know, in order for us to Geaux Far for Louisiana’s young children, we must geaux together.

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