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Louisiana Home Visiting Capacity Study

Home Visiting Report with Build Initiative Louisiana-Home-Visiting-Capacity-Study-2023Download

Professional Wages for Professional Educators: Recommendations for Improving Early Childhood Workforce Compensation in Louisiana

Report with the Louisiana Tiger Team highlighting recommendations on early care and education workforce compensation scales and implementation. Download

Louisiana Can Maximize American Rescue Dollars to Benefit Young Children

Policy brief about how Louisiana can maximize federal funding to benefit young children in Louisiana developed in partnership with Council…

Local Actions on Early Care and Education in Louisiana

One-page summary of how dollar-for-dollar investments can expand access to quality early care and education for children. Download

Early Investments Pay Off: How Funding Early Care and Education Programs Prevents Future Crime

Fact sheet about the connection between early care and education and juvenile justice. Download

Maximize American Rescue Plan Dollars to Benefit Youngest Louisianans, Economic Recovery

Policy brief detailing Louisiana Policy Institute for Children’s recommendations on how to use American Rescue Plan Act dollars to benefit…