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Voters Support Policies That Put Louisiana’s Children and Families First

Summary of statewide poll findings regarding investments and supports of early care and education. Download

Help Wanted: The Staffing and Operating Challenges Facing Louisiana Child Care Providers

Findings from our annual LPIC survey of Child Care Providers statewide. Download

Voters Say Child Care Is Critical for Working Families and the Economy

Summary of statewide poll findings regarding investments and supports of early care and education. Download

North Louisiana Voters Overwhelmingly Support Investments in Early Care and Education

Summary of statewide poll findings regarding investments and supports of early care and education. Download

East Baton Rouge Voters Support Expanding Early Childhood Education Programs

Summary of findings of a poll of East Baton Rouge voters conducted in September 2022. Download

On the Path to Recovery: The Evolving Impacts of COVID-19 on Louisiana Child Care Providers

Report highlighting key findings from the fifth of a series of statewide surveys of child care providers conducted September 29…

Backgrounder: Leading States for Early Childhood Development

Backgrounder document summarizing how Louisiana is doing in supporting early childhood development compared to other states. Download

Louisiana Voters Support Taxes to Fund Early Care and Education: Summary

One-page summary of key takeaways from a poll of likely Louisiana voters conducted in April 2021 Download