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Blog Archives

Backgrounder: Leading States for Early Childhood Development

Backgrounder document summarizing how Louisiana is doing in supporting early childhood development compared to other states. Download

Louisiana Voters Support Taxes to Fund Early Care and Education: Summary

One-page summary of key takeaways from a poll of likely Louisiana voters conducted in April 2021 Download

Child Care and the Economy in Louisiana

Policy brief developed in partnership with The Kathleen Babineaux Blanco Public Policy Center evaluating the impact of parental absences due…

Louisiana Statewide Poll on Funding Child Care: Full Memo

Memo from Ragnar Research Partners detailing results from a poll commissioned by the Louisiana Policy Institute for Children in April…

New Year, Same Challenges: The Continued Impacts of COVID-19 on Louisiana Child Care Providers

Report highlighting key findings from the fourth statewide surveys of child care providers conducted during the COVID-19 pandemic Download

Struggling to Recover: The Impacts of COVID-19 on Louisiana Families with Young Children

Report about findings from a survey of Louisiana parents with young children in Southeast LA conducted September 21 – October…

Struggling to Recover: The Impacts of COVID-19 on Southeast Louisiana Families with Young Children

Report about findings from a survey of Louisiana parents with young children in Southeast LA conducted September 21 – October…

The Growing Adverse Impacts of COVID-19 on Louisiana Child Care Providers

Report highlighting key findings from the third statewide surveys of child care providers conducted during the COVID-19 pandemic Download

Balancing Act: The Financial Challenges of Child Care Facing Louisiana’s Working Families

Report highlighting key findings from a survey of families on the Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP) waiting list conducted in…

Losing Ground: Women in the Workforce

A one-page summary of the Losing Ground report’s data on the women in the workforce Download

Losing Ground: How Child Care Impacts Louisiana’s Workforce Productivity and the State Economy

Report detailing the impact of child care issues on Louisiana’s workforce, businesses and the economy developed in partnership with LSU’s…