You can find a list of activities for Early Ed Month 2025 here.

Advancing policies to ensure that Louisiana’s young children are ready for success in school and in life.

The Louisiana Policy Institute for Children is a nonpartisan, independent source of data, research, and pertinent information for policymakers, stakeholders, and the public at large around issues related to children ages birth through four in Louisiana.

We also develop policy proposals informed by data, research, best practices and the experiences of other states for improving outcomes for Louisiana’s young children and conduct educational and outreach activities around these recommended policy solutions.

Learn more about Geaux Far Louisiana, a strategic planning initiative to equitably transform Louisiana’s early childhood system.

At a Glance: Early Care and Education in Louisiana


total in-need children birth through age 3 in Louisiana


in-need children without access to a high-quality early care and education program in Louisiana


annual loss faced by Louisiana employers from employee absences and turnover due to child care issues


annual loss faced by Louisiana’s economy from employee absences and turnover due to child care issues

The Louisiana Policy Institute for Children is a nonpartisan, independent source of data, research, and pertinent information for policymakers, stakeholders, and the public at large around issues related to children ages birth through four in Louisiana.