You can find a list of activities for Early Ed Month 2025 here.

Economic Case

Local Taxation in Louisiana: Alternatives for Local Public Support of Child Care

The Kathleen Babineaux Blanco Public Policy Center, in partnership with the Louisiana Policy Institute for Children, developed a report that provides an overview of local taxation options in Louisiana, focusing on the legal framework for generating new sources of revenue and the capacity for parishes and municipalities to levy additional taxes at the local level.

Local Taxation in Louisiana: Alternatives for Local Public Support of Child Care (2022), Full Report

Child Care and the Economy in Louisiana

The Kathleen Babineaux Blanco Public Policy Center, in partnership with the Louisiana Policy Institute for Children, developed Child Care and the Economy in Louisiana, a policy brief that evaluates the impact of parental absences due to child care breakdowns on Louisiana’s workforce and employers.

Child Care and the Economy (2021), Full Policy Brief 

Child Care and the Economy (2021), Summary

Losing Ground: How Child Care Impacts Louisiana’s Workforce Productivity and the State Economy

The Louisiana Policy Institute for Children collaborated with LSU’s Public Policy Research Lab (PPRL) and other researchers to understand the impact of child care issues on Louisiana’s workforce, businesses, and economy. LSU’s PPRL conducted a statewide survey of households with children age 4 and under, asking a series of questions investigating the intersection between workforce participation and child care issues. Then, an economist estimated the economic impact of child care instability using the survey results. 

Losing Ground (2017), Full Report

Losing Ground (2017), Summary

Losing Ground (2017), Women in the Workforce

For more research and reports about the economic impact of child care, click below.

Funding Our Future: The Economic Imperative of Early Childhood Care and Education in Louisiana

Louisiana Early Childhood Education and Care Commission

Parish Fact Sheets

Early care and education data for all 64 parishes in Louisiana. To find your parish’s fact sheet about the number of children who are served and unserved by early care and education programs, click on the name of the parish.

BESE District Fact Sheets

Early care and education data for all 8 BESE districts in Louisiana. To find your BESE district’s fact sheet about the number of children who are served and unserved by early care and education programs, click on your district number.